A new venture in connecting like-minded educators

It is my pleasure to introduce an exciting new partnership between Frankfurt International School and a handful of other leading international and independent schools from around the world: the Collaborative for Innovative Education (CIE).

The new collaborative aims to connect schools and educators who are like-minded in vision, thought process, quality of program, and ambition to share thinking, practices, and resources around the future of innovative education. Along with FIS, the Collaborative’s endeavors will be carried out by schools that span the globe, from India to South Africa and Singapore, to California and North Carolina in the United States.

CIE stemmed from the idea of several heads of schools to formalize a dynamic network of educators who could collectively reflect on what is relevant in the world for student learning, engage in new conversations around the future of education, and commit to action to make a lasting impact on student experiences and outcomes. The small, highly curated group of schools within the CIE are both nimble and aggressive in tackling the core work of learning, and reflect a collective voice for innovative education.

I invite you to learn more about this exciting project at http://iscollaborative.org/

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